Thursday, 3 May 2018



Pointer is a special variable that holds the address of another variable.

Declaration of pointer :
            syntax: datatype * pointername ;
example : int * p ;
                float * ptr ;
A pointer always meant to hold the address not an ordinary variable .
'*' is called value at address operator .

Normal variable provides direction access to their own values whereas pointer provides indirect access to the value of variable whose address it stores.


When a pointer is first declared , it does not contain a valid address . The pointer is uninitialized or bad pointer.
Each pointer must be assigned  a valid address before it can support pointer operations. 
Before that pointer is bad and shouldnot be used .

Null pointer :

Pointer that does not point any value.

Void pointer :

It is syntatically incorrect to assign the address of any data type variable to any other data type variable.

A void pointer is a special kind of pointer that can hold address of a variable of any data type .

Syntax : void * pointername ;
The keyword  void represents that this pointer donot have any type associated with it and type assignment must be used to change void pointer to a concrete data type we refer .

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