Wednesday, 9 May 2018


                               COMPUTER GRAPHICS 


                                 Graphics means representing any information in the form of graphs . Graphics is used in almost all types of computers. All the operating systems there days make the use of computer graphics. As for beginners , in C programming here we only dealing with command line interface . C also provides facility of graphics under the header file graphics.h  . C graphics has two capabilities -text handling and regular graphics .

  1. Text mode-graphics functions 
It is possible to display or capture only text in terms of ASCII value. The text mode functions are concerned with placing text in certain areas of screen . These functions can work with any monitor and adapter .The text mode can be displayed in two forms as 25 rows and 80 columns and vice versa . some of text mode functions are :
  • Windows()
  • Cputs()
  • clrscr()
  • putch()
  • Gotoxy 
2. Graphics mode ()
       This mode supports both text as well as graphics. The graphics mode depends upon the picture elements. some function of it are as follow:
  • Initgraph()
  • Closegraph()
  • circle()
  • Arc()

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Q 1) Why HTTP is called stateless protocol ? answer:           HTTP is stateless protocol which means that a different connection betwee...