Friday, 27 April 2018



1.       Information  Technology in Business Environment

     Information technologies are woven into complex systems:<script async src="//"></script>
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·         Interrelating with other systems
·         Permeating every business process
·         Enabling tremendous gains in knowledge ,productivity,and profitability
·         A great variety of information can now be gathered at each part of each business process, and information can be distributed throughout the organization, giving  knowledge and insight for competitive decision –making and advantage.

2.      Business in Information Age: Pressures

·         Global competition for Market  and labour
·         Need for real time operations
·         Changing workforce
·         Customer orientation
·         Technological innovation and obsolescence
·         Information overload
·         Social responsibility
·         Government regulation and deregulation
·         Ethical Issues
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3.      Organizational Responses to Business Pressure
·         Strategic system
·         Customer Focus and Customer Service
Ø   Just in Time (JIT)
Ø  Total quality management (TQM)
·         Business Process Reengineering
·         Empowering Employees and Fostering Collaborative work
·         Electonic Commerce
·         Business Alliances
Ø   Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Ø  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

4.      Information system (IS)
    IS  collects, processes, stores, analyzes , and disseminates information for a specific purpose.
     An information system includes input (data, instructions) and outputs (reports ,calculations). It process the inputs and produces the outputs that are sent to the     user or to other systems. A feedback mechanism that controls the operation may be included.
    Information system is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing and processing data and for providing information, knowledge , and digital products.
A combination of hardware ,software ,infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control ,coordination ,and decision making in an organization.

Ø  Data items :  An elementary description of things, events, activities, and transactions that are recorded, classified , and stored but are not organized to convey any specific meaning. Eg . Bank balances , grade point average etc.

Ø  Information : Data that have been organized to that they have meaning and value to the recipient . Information comes from data that have been processed . Eg. Customer names with bank balance , student names with their respective grade etc.

Ø  Knowledge : Data and / or  information that have been organized and processed to convey understanding , experience , accumulated learning , and expertise as apply to a current problem or activity .

note:( other  extra theory will be post in next blog)
 Thank you

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